In this document you can find answers to several questions we have frequently been asked.

How do you compare Rooch with other similar projects?

Key Innovations

What's the status of the Rooch project?

The team is working towards the Rooch v0.1 (opens in a new tab) release as well as the Alpha Testnet launch which is scheduled for Q2 2023.

The mainnet will be ready by the end of 2023.

How do I learn about developing on Rooch?

You may program the smart contract with Move Language. Here are some reference learning materials:

The alpha testnet will be launched soon.

Compare the Move Framework of Rooch and Aptos/Sui

Rooch will support multiple Move L1 Frameworks and we have made preliminary progress in the combination of Object Move and Global Storage Move. We will make efforts towards building compatibility with both Aptos-Move and Sui-Move.